Archive for January, 2017

Maybe spec isnt so bad

Posted in Uncategorized on January 30, 2017 by Anonymous

you know i have been through many years of my life and i was in a hard time and i was radicalized like the weather underground but now i have recovered so i am not so radical functioning member of society that is why i ask myself to please let me be accepted again into society.  Is spec truly the worst ever well maybe you take that for granted perhaps that they are not??  I mean they are not a news paper becuz they do not have paper any more but is all hate worth it in the face of the universe?

What is wrong with america is hate these days I think that I am not a hateful person.  All these protesters are spewing so much hate onto our streets and onto our airports.  Goback HOME! and leave your hate we  only have love here in america.  So is it time to rethink our policy on spec?  We have all our top minds considering it, and we will keep you updated as this story develops.

P.S. Whoever drew this was High A.F. 4424059_1442121785805253_1715464652_o-860x645


Spec sucks

Posted in Uncategorized on January 13, 2017 by Anonymous

Trump is our new president so now you must bow down to him.  Personally we predicted it but spec was caught out like everyone else they all go to work at the new york LIMES so you know that they are bad anyways.  What is wrong with spec they are scared like dumb UFC bitches are scared of my man who took down pacqiao that loser.  I am back gettting my degree at columbia but this time we are ruled by trump so maybe it will be better 😉

Trump would hate spec because spec sucks and he is a man of discerning taste.  A man with character like you bozo spec scum wouldnt know about.  You are too busy worrying about your gpa to see the new caeser rise up to rule us.  I am happy that the chickens are coming home to roost so we will see if columbia is a safe space!

Obama didn’t care about spec and trump will not either because you are nothing a dot on the map you are nothing but dust in the wind ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

In conclusion spec never had a chance but we must give them a chance because that is like bullying the disabled.