Maybe spec isnt so bad

Posted in Uncategorized on January 30, 2017 by Anonymous

you know i have been through many years of my life and i was in a hard time and i was radicalized like the weather underground but now i have recovered so i am not so radical functioning member of society that is why i ask myself to please let me be accepted again into society.  Is spec truly the worst ever well maybe you take that for granted perhaps that they are not??  I mean they are not a news paper becuz they do not have paper any more but is all hate worth it in the face of the universe?

What is wrong with america is hate these days I think that I am not a hateful person.  All these protesters are spewing so much hate onto our streets and onto our airports.  Goback HOME! and leave your hate we  only have love here in america.  So is it time to rethink our policy on spec?  We have all our top minds considering it, and we will keep you updated as this story develops.

P.S. Whoever drew this was High A.F. 4424059_1442121785805253_1715464652_o-860x645


Spec sucks

Posted in Uncategorized on January 13, 2017 by Anonymous

Trump is our new president so now you must bow down to him.  Personally we predicted it but spec was caught out like everyone else they all go to work at the new york LIMES so you know that they are bad anyways.  What is wrong with spec they are scared like dumb UFC bitches are scared of my man who took down pacqiao that loser.  I am back gettting my degree at columbia but this time we are ruled by trump so maybe it will be better 😉

Trump would hate spec because spec sucks and he is a man of discerning taste.  A man with character like you bozo spec scum wouldnt know about.  You are too busy worrying about your gpa to see the new caeser rise up to rule us.  I am happy that the chickens are coming home to roost so we will see if columbia is a safe space!

Obama didn’t care about spec and trump will not either because you are nothing a dot on the map you are nothing but dust in the wind ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

In conclusion spec never had a chance but we must give them a chance because that is like bullying the disabled.

dum spec

Posted in Uncategorized on May 2, 2016 by Anonymous


Why dont ppl protest spec

Posted in Uncategorized on April 26, 2016 by Anonymous

there are many reasons why people get upset like in 1969 during the summer of lovfe and protest.


columbia today there was a protest.  There are many protests about jail but not spec.  I think if more people protested spec then it would go away.  That is the power of the peoples voice being heard.  America is a great country but it is not as great as it once was.  If you  ask too maybe they will listen!

does anyone think that statue looks like apsirder?

Posted in Uncategorized on April 6, 2016 by Anonymous

i don’t think it looks like a nude woman.  I think it looks like a spider robot.

Specsucks podcast 4

Posted in Uncategorized on April 2, 2016 by Anonymous

the fight continues soldier on soldier

NOTE: All the older specsucks podcasts have been reuploaded and can be viewed on this blog.  Apparently the FBI took down our podcast hosting for spec but we will never be stopped!!!


Spect is rekt

Posted in Uncategorized on March 7, 2016 by Anonymous

What do you expect, spect is rekt and who is next.  the spectsux is vectorious and will hecktle them until they are a spect of dust.  we chopped off their neckt and deckt them and now they wept cuz they were inept.  no longer will they lecture all of columbia!!!


Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on January 8, 2016 by Anonymous

What is the struggle against good and evil like I struggle against spec.  Evil must be defeated but once evil is gone will the good become the evil?  What is even reality like could it not be real?  These are topics that I grasped with in CC.  I am still haunted by them every day.  Sometimes I wonder if it’s even worth it.  Because maybe spec is only a homunculus in my brain.   What is meaning in defeating spec if there is no meaning. or is man supposed to defeat Christ like Niche.    A great thinker in the mind columbia creates, but spec destroys,but I destroy the destroyer, so who will destroy the destroyer destroyer.  Maybe the USS William P Lawrence.  but he who destroys destruction is himself a creator and god of his own universe like  a pheonix from the flames.

Only history will tell the tale of a great man who stood up to the demon.  Till spec is ashes.  Till spec is ashes.

grammar and semantics in modern race-baiting

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , on December 7, 2015 by Anonymous


much blood and ink has been spilled over the above facebook post, but will will not rehash the debate that keeps lambo zang up at night furiously typing into the bwog comments section.

Instead let us take a look at the surprisingly OVER looked question which will haunt us immemorial.  Consider exhibit A:

Does anyone have a CC section taught by a professor of color.

Let us parse.  Anyone is the subject.  Does ANYONE have a cc section taught by a professor of color.  At first glance, this seems to be a simple question.  Perhaps the author is conducting a poll of the relative frequency of instructors of color amongst the class of 2016 to validate the supposedly official statistics that columbia releases to relieve themselves of the burden of white guilt.  (this would be an admirable cause, but sadly it is not what our friend is doing here).  However, this text is complicated by the addition of the second section.

Section 2: “Flexible on time/days”.

Suddenly the curtain has been pulled back.  The true intent behind this question is revealed.  Close reading of the text shows that in fact the question is not simply informational, and that one can infer an attempt to coordinate some sort of activity involving the author as well as the aforementioned instructor of color.

Section 3: “The teacup”

The teacup just reaffirms her support for tea.

Exhibit B: The supportive friend

Everyone has a friend, or if they do not they wish they had a friend so for the purposes of our analysis we can assume they have a friend.  But does your friend unconditionally shower praise upon you for performing an informal internet survey?  Most likely not, unless you paid them to, but a paid friend is not actually a friend you should have learned that by now.

The 100 here has also been suggested by Ruden, et. al.  to be an answer to the question rather than an exclamation of praise.  However, modern research has cast doubt on the idea that a single student would be enrolled in 100 classess taught by professors of color simultaneously.  Further attempts to tally the hundreds results a grand total of nearly a thousand, which does not make the proposition any more tenable.

Exhibit C: “The magnum opus”

Suddenly, our heroine returns to settle the score.  Although we know that authorial intent is irrelevant,  here the author comes to clarify, with the phrase “more specifically I am asking…”  This offers a glimmer of hope that we will be able to understand what she is saying, but nay, it is a false hope.  Several fetal sentences have been grafted together into a chimeral behemoth.  Attached to the tail is the phrase “it is important to my health and my life thanks”.  This indicates that the beast it is attached to is personally important to her physical or mental well-being, or perhaps just necessary for the ritual known as “life thanks” (also known as saying grace).  But what exactly is so important to her “health” and “life thanks”?  Clearly it involves some sort of “switch[ing] sections w[ith] me”, but the exact nature of the the switch, and the other parties involved, remains mysterious.  Three possible interpretations have been advanced by various levels of Aegean thought.

The first interpretation suggests that the author began with the intent to switch sections with a white person who is in a CC section with a Professor of color.   Notice that her stance has evolved since the original post.  Not only has she narrowed the search to switch with only white people (white hispanics likely remain in a grey area as always), but additionally she has decided that the instructor must be a Professor (it’s unclear if adjunct professors count).  However, according to this interpretation,  she amends her options, and considers that she would also be willing to switch with a student of color.  Note that she does not require the student of color to have a CC professor of color.   It seems that the color is commutative.

The second camp has suggested that the first camp is a bunch of morons for thinking that’s what she meant.  They suggest instead that the addtional group of students of color to which she is extending the offer of the switch is also bound to the requirements of having an instructor of color and also it cant just be any old instructor its gotta be a professor.  This group advances the argument that she is colorblind, and so would not discriminate against whichever student she switches with.  White and black students follow the same rule that they need a black CC professor, and so they can live in harmony together.

The third camp thinks the first two camps are a bunch of imbeciles. To this camp, the sentence is grammatically clear, and it is obvious to them that  “another student of color” is part of the direct object, not the subject.  Read this way, the author is suggesting that a white person who has a professor of color must switch places with any person of color (including the author herself). Likely expressing a form of OCD where like colors must be organized together, this swap would indubitably improve her quality of life thanks. You are very welcome.

Who is right in the end I do not know sometime things are unknown because nobody knows them.  Unfortunately we cannot rely on the author to clarify further because that’s what she did and it just made things more confusing so maybe she has a future writing postmodern philosophy.

ps. i just squinted and looked at the coffee cup and it kinda looks like a thumbs up so maybe it’s a hidden message

Specsucks breaks the columbia cs cheating scandal

Posted in Uncategorized on October 26, 2015 by Anonymous

once again specsucks breaks the scandals before spec puts on their sandals.  We have received a leak tip that there is a huge scandal brewing about a TA cheating with a student.  Just like fin cheated with a dean we have conclusive proof that there is more cheating going on with the computer nerds.  Our expert nerd source has told us that they were cheating on each other and doing dirty things together, like cheating on the homework assignment.   If you’ve ever seen the movie “Easy A” then you know what I am talking about.  Consider this baskin robins because spec and bwog got SCOOPED again.