Archive for plagarized

Connect the Dots

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on September 15, 2012 by Anonymous

Hey to all my loyal readers:  I propose you an idea, for you to connect the dots.
Did you notice the biggest story of the year broke about how spec plagarized? And then within a few hours, the spec brought out a story about a supposedly “fake” student on campus?  Now I know many of you spec apologists out there (who shouldn’t be reading this blog any way) are thinking “whatever, maybe this is just a coincidence!  I mean they can’t control when news happens!”  Aha, but that is why you forget about the nature of the story.  Think for a second… couldn’t spec have broken the story earlier?  First, consider that they had ALL THESE sources that said they saw the “imposter” on campus… OVER A YEAR AGO.  So that means spec knew about this the whole time.  But why wouldn’t spec break the story? Why did they wait till now?  Well you see the puzzle pieces fit together:  Just when the truth was coming out about the spec, they divert the public, and release the story they have been sitting on for a year!  Isn’t it too convenient for a coincidence!  Here at specsucks we can see things clearly, and it is obvious that spec is trying to divert our attention just the same way Janet Jackson purposely exposed her nipples in order to distract from michael jackson’s trial.  These are the sorts of “coincidences” that it takes a sharp mind to see.

Keep your wits sharp and your minds sharper.  The spec may decieve others, but if you follow our blog, we promise they will never decieve you.